As she is known to do on weekends, Rosalyn passed out on Nick's shoulder for her morning nap. The last few weeks we have been settling her down on a makeshift palette on the floor of the living room while she sleeps, but today Nick just sat himself down in a chair and left her cradled in his arms. I looked over at him, and he said "I was going to put her down but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to do this."
And as I looked at her, legs spilling over his arm, little head barely balanced on the crook of his elbow, I realized, he's right. She's growing up way too fast.
She's only a hair over 8 months old now, but is well over 30 inches tall, has been making her way everywhere with a low crawl that would make any Drill Sargent proud, and pulls up to her knees on anything that will stop moving long enough. She still doesn't have many clear words aside from "mama" and "dada" but she's trying to say "nurse" and "cat" and understands a lot. She's eating solids with more aplomb than her sister ever did, and one of these days might finally cut that third tooth.
Where has the time gone?
I stumbled across an old picture of Elizabeth yesterday while looking for my oldest project on Ravelry. She might have been 2 and a half in the picture. She didn't have her glasses yet, was all bright eyes and short wavy blonde hair, wearing her favorite dress at the time.
I just can't get over how little she is. I've looked at her baby pictures recently. Looking at how much she and her sister looked alike at any given age. (The answer is a resounding "ish") It didn't resound as much as this picture. I can easily understand that she's no longer the pre-walking toothless baby that she used to be. But for some reason there's just this huge disconnect between baby-Elizabeth, and Kindergarten-Elizabeth. Probably for that very reason. I'm in denial. My baby isn't a baby anymore. She's in elementary school. She's hit a milestone, arguably her biggest since she started preschool 3 years ago. (which coincidentally, was shortly after the picture above was taken)
And now Rosalyn is, with all good fortune, following in her sister's footsteps at a cheetah's pace. Where Elizabeth was perfectly content to just sit and watch and never crawl at all, Rosalyn only stops moving when she's asleep. Both girls are wearing a few sizes above where their age says they should wear. (Elizabeth is wearing a 7 or Small at 5 years, and Rosalyn's been in 18 month size since she was 6 months old) At times I wonder how tall they'll end up. I'm above average height for a woman at 5'8.5" and Nick's about average for a guy at 5'8". Will they end up taller than both of us? Will they ever stop growing?
I never understood how people say "I can't wait" when it comes to kids growing up, etc. I hate the idea of wishing time away when you can't go back and pick it up later. Am I curious? Yes. Am I more than a little nervous? Oh yeah.
Can I wait? Absolutely.